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Why was common core created? It was created to unify the standards of all 50 states rather than having 50 different standards for education at each state. These intentions were so that states couldn't have their students passing with "dumbed down" standards compared to other states as well. Some benefits that supporters said about Common Core were that it was helpful for students with militaristic families and were constantly moving. Common core was also supposed to help states that had weak education as well. The standards were created by a trinity of organizations: The National Governors' Association, the Council of Chief State Schools Officers and Achieve. All the states excluding Texas and Alaska had initially supported the creation of the common standards. However, in today's age, there is a lot of controversy surrounding the Common Core standards. Only about half the teachers in the United States support the standards. The parents of students have mixed feelings about the standards, as no majority stance is taken. The adoption of Common Core has been shakey for the United States, as more states have dropped the standards compared to the initial start of Common Core. There is no telling however where Common Core is going, but as of now, a majority of the students at Cypress High School dislike the use of Common Core standards based off the survey we gave them and what we can conclude from the data.